FTP is the process of receiving event data into an FTP location at periodic points as a data dump text file (i.e. daily). Each event is represented as a line, and the data comes as "key : value". Here are examples of the data that can be retrieved and the format it takes:
Trigger Example

  type :
    string (Event Type)
  message name :
    string (Unique name of message in the profile)
  delivery status :
    string (PROCESSING)
  delivery id :
    integer (Unique id of the delivery in the profile)
  list names :
    string (comma-separated list names campaign is scheduled to)
  delivery start date :
    integer(Unix Timestamp)
  delivery complete data :

'"type:DELIVERYSTART","message name:Aug-2014-Deals","delivery status:STATUS","delivery id:989565","list names:web_signup, fb_signup","delivery scheduled date:Unix Timestamp", "delivery start date:Unix Timestamp","delivery complete date:""'

  message name :
    string (Unique name of message in the profile)
  delivery status :
    string (COMPLETED)
  delivery scheduled date :
    integer (Unix Timestamp)
  message type:
    string (either of EMAIL or SMS)
  delivery complete date :
    integer (Unix Timestamp)
  emails sent :
    integer (count of emails sent)
'"type:DELIVERY","message name:Aug-2014-Deals","delivery status:STATUS","delivery scheduled date:Unix Timestamp","message type: MESSAGETYPE","profile: profileName,"delivery id:989565","emails sent:256545"'
firstName and lastName in the following are examples of the custom data field items that are returned with the event, these are all of the custom data fields associated with that recipient in the list the campaign was sent to 'Custom Field Name' => 'Custom Field Value' and are listed as such in the event data

  event date :
    integer (Unix Timestamp)
  email :
    string (recipient email address)
  mobile :
    integer (recipient mobile number)
  device type | device os | device browser :
  notificationsubject :
    string (alternative subject line show if subject line selector is used)
'"type:OPEN","email:test@test.com","mobile:44789856545","message name:Aug-2014-Deals","delivery date:dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm", "firstName:test","lastName:test","device type:desktopBrowser","device os:Windows","device browser:Chrome","delivery id:9895654","notificationsubject:Do Not Miss Out!", "event date:Unix Timestamp"'

//notificationsubject Shown if subject line selector used

  click url:
    string (URL destination of link clicked)
  click date :
    string (Unix Timestamp)
    integer (Given if split content is used)
'"type:CLICK","email:test@test.com","message name:Aug-2014-Deals","delivery date:dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm","click url:http://www.pure360.com","click date:dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm","mailvariationid:mailVariationId (if used)","device type:desktopBrowser","device os:Windows","device browser:Chrome","firstName:test","lastName:test","delivery id:9895654","mailVariationId:8989565"'

//mailVariationId given if split content is used
//notificationsubject Shown if subject line selector used

'"type:BOUNCE","email:test@test.com","message name:Aug-2014-Newsletter","delivery date:"dd-Mmm-yyyy hh:mm","firstName:test","lastName:test","delivery id:9895654","device type:desktopBrowser","device os:Windows","device browser:Chrome","event date:Unix Timestamp"'

        // events htting the signup form endpoint at list.php
'"type:LBI","email:test@test.com","event date:Unix Timestamp","listName:test","list id:9895654","mode:update"'
'"type:LBI","email:test@test.com","event date:Unix Timestamp","listName:test","list id:9895654","mode:remove"'
'"type:LBI","email:test@test.com","event date:Unix Timestamp","listName:test","list id:9895654","mode:optout"'

'"type:SMSOPTOUT","event date:Unix timestamp","mobile:44787454212","delivery date:Unix timestamp","delivery id:9895654","firstName:test","lastName:test"'