Introduction to Beans

What are beans?

Where are beans stored?

The 3 Beans of our API

Facade Beans

Default Methods Available to FACADE beans

Below is a list of default methods available to all Facade beans. To understand how to use these please consult the sections: Request & Response / Anatomy of a Session and the PAINT Reference manual.
Process Description Method Parameters Response
clean Cancels the current bean (referenced by the beanId) and removes it from the temporary bean store. "beanID"
Id of the bean within the bean store
create Creates a new blank instance of the entity bean associated with the facade (i.e. list entity) and adds this to the bean store. This can be referenced in the bean store via the returned beanID in the entity bean array. Entity bean array with all the variables associated with that bean. The beanID for referencing this in the bean store is in this array.
load Loads an entity bean with a specific id into the bean store the type of entity loaded is the same as the facade. Data is populated in this entity. This can be referenced in the bean store via the returned beanID in the entity bean array. "entityId" (i.e. listId)
Id of the entity within the system itself, can be found through performing a search and examining the returned search bean array.
Loaded Entity bean array with all the variables associated with that bean. The beanID for referencing this in the bean store is in this array.
reload Reloads the entity bean with in the bean store with the version of the entity in the system therefore scrapping the current bean and any update processes that have taken place upto this point. "beanID"
Id of the bean within the bean store
Reloaded Entity bean array with all the variables associated with that bean. The beanID for referencing this in the bean store is in this array.
remove Removes the entity bean from the bean store and from the system "beanID"
Id of the bean within the bean store
search Instantiates the search bean associated with the facade, uses the search parameters to return a list of Ids "searchParameters"
An array of search parameters i.e. "listName"=>"Master_List"
Search bean array returned, contains a list of IDs that can be used to load the entities through the facade associated with this.
store Validates the properties being passed to the bean entity in the bean store, update the bean, and write this back to the platform and removes the bean from the bean store. "beanID"
Id of the bean within the bean store An array of update properties can also be passed to the bean entity through this (by passing the explicit requirement to perform an update)
update Validates the properties being passed to the bean entity in the bean store, updates the bean in the store. Does not write changes back to the platform. "beanID"
Id of the bean within the bean store An array of update properties

Entity Beans

Search Beans