contextId string : ''(omitted during a login request)
className string : bus_facade_context
processName string : methodName i.e. login
entityData array : i.e. array('variableName' => value)
processData array : i.e. array('variableName' => value)
Name | Parameters | Description |
login | contextId: Omitted Entity Data: userName, password |
Validates the API credentials, checks against the platform, and if successful returns the context entity beanId of the bean in the bean store. This beanId is used as the contextId for all subsequent requests in this session |
logout | contextId: Id used throughout the session Entity Data: null |
Process a logout request, locate the context bean with the contextId, garbage this from the bean store |
contextId string : null
className string : bus_facade_context
processName string : login
entityData array : 'userName' => "test.sys", 'password' => "password4"
processData array : null
Result array:
'result' => "success",
'resultData' => array :
'bus_entity_context' => array :
… => ….,
… => …..,
'beanId' => ID for the context
entity bean in bean store
**Step 2 :** Next (or after performing other processes on other entities) perform a logout request with the contextId generated during the login process (and by subsequent processes)
* Use the contextId (beanId of the context entity in the bean store) that ties a session together.
* To access the context entity use the context entry point/gateway
* Perform a logout process with no parameters, this will end the session removing the context entity from the bean store
**Example Request / Response**
contextId string : C-KFDsCMMHXpDUi0ltN0p3FvF
className string : bus_facade_context
processName string : logout
entityData array : null
processData array : null
Result array : 'result' => "success"